“Look for the helpers.”
That’s how Mr. Rogers’ mother counseled the cheerful children’s show host on how to face life’s challenges. The times we live in demand we pay attention to the many ways our lives are interconnected. And when we can, to also lend a hand.
And so we proudly present the 40 Under 40 Class of 2023 — brimming with individuals who advance knowledge, lift communities, forge connections and improve conditions for others. They’re clearing new pathways to health for the underserved. Putting empathy into how we communicate and learn. Creating opportunities where choices were few. They make beautiful days for the neighborhoods, wherever they live.

Andrew Bull, 34
JD ’16; MS Public Policy ’16
Founding Partner, Bull Blockchain Law
A self-taught blockchain expert, Andrew Bull paid his way through law school with profits from his bitcoin mining company. Now he’s schooling everyone as he runs the city’s first crypto-centric legal practice.

Jeannine A. Cook, 39
MFA ’22
Owner, Harriett’s Bookshop and Ida’s Bookshop
With the opening of Harriett’s Bookshop and Ida’s Bookshop, Jeannine A. Cook elevated her love of stories into a celebration of women authors, artists and activists in which neighbors from near and far can take part.

Graham Donaldson, 31
BS/MS mechanical engineering ’14
Lead Material Program Manager, Raytheon Missiles and Defense
Graham Donaldson pedaled more than 2,100 miles across the Pyrenees and Alps to raise funds to fight leukemia (and found love at the finish line!).

Evan Ehlers, 27
BA entrepreneurship and innovation ’19
Victoria Wilson, 26
BS entertainment and arts management ’19
Co-Founders, Sharing Excess
Sharing Excess, a nonprofit that Evan Ehlers and Victoria Wilson launched in 2018 to fight hunger in Philadelphia by diverting food from landfills, is helping more communities than ever.

Christine Ivery, 34
MPH ’18
Project Manager, Thomas Jefferson University Collaborative for Health Equity
Every step in Christine Ivery’s educational and professional journey has pointed toward ensuring that all members of the community receive the health care they need.

Valerie Johnson, 36
BS/MBA ’10
Vice President of Advancement and Special Projects, Pathways to Housing
Armed with two business degrees, Valerie Johnson decided to build a career focused on helping vulnerable populations and bringing new players into the fundraising world.

Kristoffer Jones, 34
BS materials science and engineering ’12
Founder, Naval Welding Institute
Kristoffer Jones created the Naval Welding Institute to revive foundational skills training in the shipbuilding industry, where he sees a renaissance underway.

Noelle St.Clair Lentz, 34
MBA ’19
CEO and Managing Director, Allivate Impact Capital
A deep understanding of the power of financial investment has given Noelle St.Clair Lentz potent tools to help elevate impoverished communities.

Stacey Rose, 37
BS business administration ’08
Founder, Pearbond
Drexel’s compassionate response to a personal disaster put Stacey Rose on a path to help students prevent conflict in their own lives through the power of consent.