Submit a Nomination for 40 Under 40
40 Under 40
40 Under 40 2023
“Look for the helpers.” That’s how Mr. Rogers’ mother counseled the cheerful children’s show host on how to face life’s challenges. The times we live in demand we pay attention to the many ways our lives are interconnected. And when we can, to also lend a hand. Read More
40 under 40 2022
This procession of successful individuals in business and science, in public service, in academic pursuits, in charitable ventures and in artistic endeavors has proven, however, that one thing is constant: The influence of an experiential education remains as powerful as ever. Read More
40 under 40: Class of 2021
About the nominees… No one expected a year like the one we’ve had, but Drexel’s young 40 Under... Read More
Anjali Khemani
The young alumni honored in this year’s Drexel Magazine 40 Under 40 program are proof that cooperative education produces graduates with the creativity and resilience to solve problems for which there is no pre-existing answer key. Our graduates are paving paths that scarcely existed when they left high school in fields like nanotechnology, autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrency, cleantech and robotics. They’re creating novel products, making scientific discoveries and addressing emergent social issues. As Drexel celebrates the centennial of its Drexel Co-op program we are reminded that no method of education is better suited to today’s world of swift technological and social change. We believe that those who build the future have a stake in the shape it takes. So we asked them each to imagine their own personal centennial, and what change they would most like to see in the world by the time they’re 100. Read More
40 Under 40: Class of 2020
The young alumni honored in this year’s Drexel Magazine 40 Under 40 program are proof that cooperative education... Read More
The Uplifting Life of an Acrobat
Rob Li has lifted people in twos, threes and sometimes more. He’s lifted people on water, sand, swings and snow. He’s lifted people here, there and everywhere. His mission to lift 10,000 strangers around the world combines body strength and Instagram filters with his own leisurewear line of clothing — and it’s super fun. Read More
After the NFL a Forever Job
When a concussion from a car crash knocked Green Bay Packer James Starks out of the NFL, he began building a second career around his Drexel degree. Read More
Seyma Aslan
The young alumni honored in this year’s Drexel Magazine 40 Under 40 program are proof that cooperative education produces graduates with the creativity and resilience to solve problems for which there is no pre-existing answer key. Our graduates are paving paths that scarcely existed when they left high school in fields like nanotechnology, autonomous vehicles, cryptocurrency, cleantech and robotics. They’re creating novel products, making scientific discoveries and addressing emergent social issues. As Drexel celebrates the centennial of its Drexel Co-op program we are reminded that no method of education is better suited to today’s world of swift technological and social change. We believe that those who build the future have a stake in the shape it takes. So we asked them each to imagine their own personal centennial, and what change they would most like to see in the world by the time they’re 100. Read More