Francis X. Hogan

Age: 36

BS hospitality and restaurant management ’03

Executive chef/partner, Sabio on Main (Pleasanton, California)

My Greatest Accomplishment

I was able to open two restaurants as executive chef/owner by the age of 35 — one in Philadelphia called 1601 Restaurant and one in the San Francisco Bay area.

How Drexel Helped

Drexel prepared me for the real-world experiences one faces running a business. Drexel has a unique blend of theory and practicality in its programs, and I left school prepared to take on any challenge that came at me.

Where I’ll Be In Five Years

I plan to continue growing new restaurant concepts within our brand philosophy while promoting education and awareness about the flaws in our current food system. The Bay Area has a unique community of chefs, farmers, vintners, ranchers and distillers who are working hard to bring high-quality, local products to the masses in a sustainable and affordable way.