Kira Karlstrom
BS graphic design ’07
Head of Label Relations, Content Development & Programming, Twitch (Los Angeles, California)
Age 39

My Greatest Accomplishment
Aristotle said, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” My greatest accomplishment to date is exactly the life I have built for myself. Throughout my career, there has not been one single great accomplishment, however, there have been critical small and large achievements that have collectively contributed to my success, health and happiness. Some specific achievements were vital to my professional and personal growth, namely playing collegiate and professional basketball, winning an Emmy for Art Direction at ESPN and surviving cancer that ultimately helped mold my creativity, optimism and overall outlook on life. These collective achievements also provided a foundation that allowed me the space and luxury to challenge myself to continually reinvent my skillset across various aspects of the entertainment industry including sports, film, TV and music.
How Drexel Helped Me
Drexel was one of the most pivotal periods in my early adult life. I had the opportunity to leave my small hometown of Clarkston, Michigan, and begin a new chapter in Philadelphia where I studied to become a designer and was a member of the Drexel Women’s Basketball team. Having the ability to participate and learn from both mentors and peers within the arts and athletic communities gave me a broader perspective on how to approach challenges with solutions, think both creative and strategically, balance perfectionism versus excellence, value and respect relationships, manage my time efficiently and effectively, and above all to never give up on the things I felt most passionate about.
Where I Hope to Be in Five Years
Continuing to evolve as a music industry leader and mentor, leaning more into my entrepreneurial spirit creating unique and valuable experiences within the arts and entertainment industry, and I hope to become a published author.
How I Pay It Forward
I find the most rewarding way to pay it forward is through random acts of kindness. Things I strive to do on a weekly/monthly basis is to pay compliments, provide support and advice to friends and family who ask, I always donate at every store register when prompted to support a cause, I volunteer when time permits, and at least once a month I respond to inquiries from young professionals looking to work in or advance their careers in entertainment. My hope in the future is to spend more time educating and mentoring our youth.