Joe Peltzer

Joe Peltzer

Joe Peltzer

Joe Peltzer

JD ’16

Director of Compliance & Risk Management/Title IX Coordinator, Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)

Age 37

My Greatest Accomplishment

Building a career in education after obtaining my juris doctor degree has been very rewarding, especially being what feels like one of the few who didn’t go into litigation. I continue to work with colleagues across colleges and universities to further my knowledge and skills, especially with the unknown (such as leading the institution’s COVID-19 response).

How Drexel Helped Me

I consistently employ the critical thinking skills that the talented, accomplished and diverse faculty members at the Thomas R. Kline School of Law helped me hone. Not a day goes by where I don’t take a lesson or experience and apply it to a student I may be working with at the time.

Where I Hope to Be in Five Years

The practice areas of compliance and risk management are only growing, especially for higher education. I aim to continue to develop within the field and take on increased responsibilities in educational administration while hopefully adjunct teaching.

How I Pay It Forward

Aside from continuing involvement in nonprofit organizations over the years, as well as the law school’s alumni board, I have conversed with numerous law students over the past few years regarding an interest in using their law degree in higher education. Working with students in general is incredibly rewarding.