John C. Monsul, BS retail management ’53, appeared before the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to receive a special award for his TV show, “Communicating Today.”
Charles A. Cianfrani, BS physics and atmosphere science ’64, MS business administration ’71, published his eighth book, “The Journey — Achieving Sustained Organizational Success.”
Lawrence W. Lazarus, MD ’67 and Jeffrey Foster, MD, co-authored the bestseller, “Insider’s Guide to Quality, Affordable Healthcare.”
Stan Silverman, BS chemical engineering ’69, MBA ’74, published his book, “Be Different! The Key to Business and Career Success.”
Richard N. Westcott, BS business administration ’60, is the author of 26 books and a lifelong newspaper and magazine writer and editor. He has been elected to four halls of fame, has appeared on 10 baseball film documentaries and is past president of the Philadelphia Sports Writers Association.
Lois G. Davidson, BS human behavior and development ’79, unveiled the First Light Project Pilot Farm Project located within the West Berks Street warehouse of Philabundance.
Virginia E. Hall, MD ’72, is chair of the Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society and serves on the board of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra.
Roger Midgette, BS business administration ’70, was appointed to the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide National Technology and Security Committee.
Ana L. Pujols-McKee, MD ’79, has been recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of 2020’s Top 25 Minority Leaders.
Jonathan J. Tabas, BS civil engineering ’74, became president of the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors.
Martin G. Belisario, Esq., BS mechanical engineering ’85, was named the Best Lawyers 2020 Lawyer of the Year in the practice area of patent law.
Michael J. Bozek, MBA ’82, was appointed to the board of trustees of Samaritan Healthcare and Hospice.
Glenn Alan Brinckman, BS mechanical engineering ’87, MS mechanical engineering ’90, was named CEO of Global Plasma Solutions Inc.
Dominic J. DeSimone, BS accounting ’88, was named to the Philadelphia Business Journal’s Best of the Bar: Philadelphia’s Top Lawyers list.
Amy E. Furness, BS retail management ’89, was elected vice president–sustaining of PLAC. PLAC is a nonprofit association of product manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, and select regulatory, litigation and appellate professionals.
Stephen M. Hall, MBA ’82, was recognized as the 2020 Delaware Valley Engineer of the Year.
Dottie Leonardi, BS finance ’86, was promoted to shareholder at Drucker & Scaccetti.
David E. Longacre III, BS retail management ’80, represented the United States in the recent UIPM Biathle/Triathle World Championship held Oct. 26 and 27 in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Vicki Poponi, BS Chemical Engineering ’84, moderated a panel on U.S.–China relations at The Conference Board 2019 Fall Policy Conference and was appointed to Drexel’s College of Computing and Informatics Advisory Board.
Glenn T. Ault, MD ’93, was elected to serve as the president of the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery.
Gina Furia Rubel, BS corporate communication ’91, was appointed co-chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Law Firm Risk Management Committee.
Scott D. Heisman, BS information systems ’93, was promoted to chief integration officer at Versus LLC.
Robert S. Hutchinson, BS architectural engineering ’90, announced his solo exhibition entitled “Memory Houses at Mexico City’s Museo Casa Luis Barragán.”
Richard C. Liu, BS corporate communication ’94, was named to the board of directors of Valley Youth House in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Christine Palmer Hennigan, BS finance ’90, was honored as a 2019 Power Woman by Main Line Today Magazine.
Elmer Pinzon, MD ’94; Mike Addonizzio, MD ’93; and Jack Lee, MD ’93, met up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for the LSU vs. Florida football game in October 2019.
Thomas J. Riordan, MD ’93, gave a presentation on the PA State Prescription Drug Monitoring program at the Patient Safety-Risk Management Conference.
Mark V. Wiley, BS applied sociology ’96, wrote and produced a kung fu/mafia/romantic comedy feature film called “Made in Chinatown.”
Christopher Andrew Bloss, MD ’00, was appointed associate director for St. Peter’s Health Partners Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Heather E. Clauss, MD ’02, was named senior associate dean of faculty affairs for the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University.
Jessica Coughlin Sharp, BS communications ’02, was named the 2019 Young Entrepreneur of the Year by The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia.
Yanatha Desouvre, BS business administration ’01, recorded a cross-generational duet of Jacques Brel’s “Ne Me Quitte Pas” with his late uncle Daniel Charles Coulanges.
Andrew Knox, BS history and politics ’04, will be included in the 2020 edition of “The Best Lawyers in America.”
Ben Legum, BS biomedical engineering ’08, MS materials engineering ’08; Jennifer Vondran, BS biomedical engineering ‘07, MS materials engineering ’07; and Amber Stiles, BS biomedical engineering ’08, MBA ’11, JD ’13, published the book, “Engineering Innovation: From Idea to Market Through Concepts and Case Studies.”
Daniels J. Marques, BS business administration ’09, was promoted to shareholder at Drucker & Scaccetti.
Scott C. Millhouse, BS mechanical engineering ’04, was promoted to commander in the U.S. Navy.
Emily Record, BS computer engineering ’04, was appointed Guilford College’s first women’s rugby head coach in the school’s history.
Lindsey Snyder, BS biological sciences ’06, was selected as a 2019 WW Pennsylvania Teaching Fellow by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
Jason N. Thompson, biomedical engineering ’07, joined the law firm Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP as a technical advisor.
Matt Zuino, MS information systems ’04, was named Baptist Health’s new executive vice president and chief operating officer.
Marni Berger, JD ’10, made partner at Post & Schell P.C.
Peter D. Coyl, MS information science and technology ’10, was elected to the executive board of the Freedom to Read Foundation, a First Amendment rights organization.
Meredith Dominguez, JD ’18, began work as a Philadelphia city solicitor with the Child Welfare Unit.
Patti M. Donahue, MS sport management ’15, earned her PhD in sport management from Troy University.
Garrett Field, JD ’19, and Cassaundra Saylor, JD ’19, joined Goldberg, Miller & Rubin’s Philadelphia office as associates.
Lawrence E. Fried, MD ’11, an attending at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, started an MBA program at Wharton School of Business and received an HRSA grant to study transition of care as pediatric epilepsy patients age out.
Melissa Green, JD ’13, was named the 2019 Top Lawyer by Delaware Today.
Jesse T. Gromley, BS/MS engineering ’10, has been named the 2020 Delaware Valley Young Engineer of the Year.
Bojana Ilic, JD ’18, was named associate of Mergers & Acquisitions at PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Adele C. Kilgus, BS business administration ’12, was promoted to managing associate at Drucker & Scaccetti.
Matthew P. Miliana, JD ’18, passed the July 2019 Delaware Bar exam and is an associate at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor LLP.
Nicholas Paolo Pileggi, BS finance ’14, joined Marshall Financial Group where he will serve as an associate financial planner.
Zachary J. Perkins, JD ’17, joined Blank Rome’s Real Estate group in Philadelphia as an associate.
Michael Rock, BS accounting ’15, was promoted to managing associate at Drucker & Scaccetti.
Michelle C. Streifthau-Livizos, JD ’18, joined Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP in its Intellectual Property Litigation group as an attorney.
Kelsey F. Trainor, JD ’16, was a guest on “BBC World News” to talk about the WNBA’s news collective bargaining statement.
Kory Ashley Trott, MPH ’13, was named the director of Virginia Tech’s Research Integrity and Consultation program.
Jennifer L. Waters, MS engineering management ’11, was promoted to office manager of Urban Engineers Philadelphia headquarters.
Austin David Williams, MD ’13, published “Surgery Morning Report: Beyond the Pearls,” a case-based review of surgery for medical students and residents.
Correction: Due to an incorrect information provided through an information service, Jared V. Simons was incorrectly included in Friends We’ll Miss in fall 19 issue. We regret the error.

Matthew Ryan, BS entrepreneurship ’15, and Annette O’Malley Ryan, BS entertainment arts management ’15, were married at St. John the Evangelist in Philadelphia on Sept. 9, 2017.
Baby Dragons