11th Street Clinic Chosen for Demo Site

11th Street Clinic Chosen for Demo Site

Drexel’s Stephen and Sandra Sheller 11th Street Family Health Services was one of eight health care providers chosen to participate in “Advancing Integrated Models,” or AIM, a multi-site demonstration promoting innovative, person-centered strategies to improve care for adults and children with complex health and social needs.

AIM will assist health system and provider organizations in designing and piloting new approaches to integrate care for people with complex needs, with a focus on developing an antiracist culture that combats health inequalities. “Our motivation for engaging in promoting racial justice is central to 11th Street’s strategic goals,” says Executive Director Roberta Waite.

Drexel’s 11th Street Family Health Services was competitively selected to participate in the initiative, along with seven additional programs. Over two years, each site will receive tailored technical assistance and access to national subject matter experts and participate in a peer-learning collaborative to accelerate solutions across sites.

Varied initiatives will target staff, patients and community members and will be applied to all services to help ensure positive steps toward realizing health equity for populations served.