Record-High Enrollment

“Drexel is attracting students who are highly qualified, and who at the same time are more likely to remain enrolled and go on to finish their degrees,” says President John Fry.

Drexel received more than 3,500 deposits for the fall 2017 undergraduate class, representing a 43 percent increase over 2016 freshman deposits and a yield rate of 15.8 percent, the highest in recent years.

“The success of our University wide recruitment efforts for the next incoming freshman class shows that our student enrollment and retention strategy is solid and working,” says President John Fry.

After an expected “summer melt” of students who submit a deposit but do not end up enrolling (a common practice at all colleges and universities), Drexel is projected to welcome an incoming class of more than 3,250 freshmen, well above the target of 2,400 (final numbers were not available at press time). These students will be part of a new generation of “right fit” Dragons who are more likely to remain and graduate, in line with an enrollment strategy implemented two years ago that anticipated, at least through the initial implementation, smaller but better-qualified freshman classes, with more financial aid to increase student support.