The Value of the Alumni Network: Making the Most of Your Alumni Association Membership

As a Drexel graduate, you are automatically a member of the diverse network of more than 145,000 Dragons known as the Alumni Association. But what does it really mean to be a member of the Alumni Association?

It means that a collection of resources and services is now at your fingertips. It means that you are welcome at any of the hundreds of events, seminars and programs hosted exclusively for Drexel graduates each year. It means that you have a number of different opportunities to network with fellow graduates and students, and to stay connected to your alma mater.

Drexel alumni span eight decades, represent many cultures and live in more than 100 countries all over the world. They work in varying professions, are in different stages of life, and their wants and needs are unique to them. This is why the Alumni Association offers a wide range of programs and services for its members.

Stay in the loop: To receive the Drexel Details alumni e-newsletter, as well as email invitations and updates from the Alumni Association, make sure your contact information is up to date. Log in to the Online Alumni Directory at drexel. edu/alumni or call the Office of Alumni Relations at 1.888. DU.GRADS.

“When I was a senior at Drexel, I attended a student/alumni networking event hosted by the Alumni Association,” said Marty Khait ’12. “I met an alum who also studied civil engineering as a student and we really hit it off.”

According to Khait, that initial meeting resulted in a valuable business opportunity several months later when he was living and working in New York City. He is now active in the Young Alumni Association and is looking forward to upcoming Drexel alumni events in the New York City area.

“I try to network as much as possible,” he said. “It’s so important; I wish everyone understood how valuable it is. Plus, it’s just nice to hang out with a group of people who all have Drexel in common.”

In addition to Alumni Career Service programs which help you network and grow professionally, the Alumni Association also hosts social events like rallies before Drexel athletic games, cultural events like exclusive tours of museums and exhibits, and lifelong learning programs that feature distinguished Drexel faculty or alumni speakers.

“I became active in the Alumni Association because it is a fantastic way for me to stay connected to the University while living and working in California,” said Stacey Dubowitch ’06. “It is also a great way to explore the area and experience new things with fellow alumni. Having the common Drexel thread with people here in California is a wonderful link to maintain.”

Reluctant to attend because you don’t think you’ll know anyone? Check out the “See Who’s Coming” link on each event registration page to look for familiar names on the guest list, or do what classmates and fraternity brothers Allen Matthias ’84 and Gerry Corrigan ’83 have been doing for nearly a decade — bring a friend.

“The alumni I’ve met at events are always fun and easy to talk with, but you can also bring a friend or have somebody meet you there,” said Matthias. “Don’t be afraid to get involved and just keep checking the Alumni Association website and mailings to find what appeals to you.”

“I would credit the Alumni Association with creating the opportunity for friends to reunite,” added Corrigan.

Don’t live in a place where there are Alumni Association events, or maybe you just don’t have the time? In addition to in-person events and programs, the Alumni Association also makes it possible for you to connect with your classmates and with the University online. Log in to an online Alumni Career Services workshop or watch archived online programs on the Alumni Association’s YouTube channel at a time that works best for you.

Plus, networks like the Alumni Association Online Directory, Facebook page and Twitter provide a place for Drexel graduates all over the globe to stay in touch, get updated contact information, view photos, and stay on top of the latest University news. The Alumni Association LinkedIn group is a place where more than 12,700 Drexel alumni, students and friends of the University network with one another, post jobs and discussion questions, and share valuable career-development tips and advice.

Kaitlyn Ersek ’15 is a current student who connected with several Drexel alumni through a lively discussion on the Alumni Association’s LinkedIn group. “My family has a saying, ‘Wise men learn from their experiences but super-wise men learn from the experiences of others,’” she said. “I’ve tried to live by that saying and as a ‘wannabe entrepreneur’ I can use all the help and advice I can get. Drexel’s alumni have been so helpful and generous in their feedback.”

The Alumni Association website is a great resource to learn more about the Alumni Association and to find ways to get involved. Visit to request an alumni card, browse upcoming Alumni Travel Program destinations, nominate a classmate for an Alumni Association Award and so much more.

If you want to make friends and reconnect with classmates, register for an Alumni Association event in your area or join an online network. If you’re looking to take that next step in your career, attend an Alumni Career Services workshop or seminar. If you have a passion for civic engagement, join CAN DU, the Alumni Association’s Community Alumni Network at Drexel University, for an upcoming service project in West Philadelphia. If you know a graduate who is outstanding in their profession or in the community, nominate him or her for a prestigious Alumni Association Award. These are just a few of the many ways that the Alumni Association celebrates and supports Drexel alumni. If you haven’t already, take the first step, get active and get the most out of your membership in the Alumni Association.