Joshua J. Voss

Age: 34

JD ’09

Associate, Kleinbard LLC

My Greatest Accomplishment

Along with my former colleagues at Conrad O’Brien, where I worked until a recent move to Kleinbard, I represented State Senator Jake Corman in successfully challenging the sanctions imposed on Penn State University by the NCAA. As a result of our advocacy, a substantial endowment for the prevention of child sexual abuse was created in the Pennsylvania Treasury. In addition, Penn State’s once-vacated football wins were restored.

How Drexel Helped

Drexel, from the outset, challenged its law students to be great writers. The school committed serious resources and distinguished faculty to ensuring that our professional success was built on a foundation of outstanding writing abilities. In the NCAA case, much of the result was built on paper: A series of small victories in motions and responses ultimately yielded a large outcome. My writing background from Drexel proved invaluable in obtaining the final result.

Where I’ll Be In Five Years

A partner and, hopefully, a distinguished advocate in the Pennsylvania legal community.