It was a fall term for the history books, as Drexel welcomed 2,350 first-year students to virtual classrooms. Below, we’ve assembled stats on who they are and what their fall term was like. Meanwhile, a portion of medical students and graduate students, including the Kline School of Law students photographed here, returned to in-person classes in lecture halls with safe spacing and masks. Starting in January, all undergraduates will have the option of returning to single-occupancy dormitories, and additional classes will be offered in person or hybrid for students who require access to labs and studios.

Average high school GPA, up from 3.76 in 2019 and 3.71 in 2018.
Percentage of underrepresented students of color.
Percentage of international students. Top countries are India, Vietnam, Nigeria, China, Pakistan and Kazakhstan.
Number of virtual programs attended by new undergraduates.
Average median SAT score, same as last year and up 10 points from 2018.
Percentage who hail from Philadelphia, versus only 13
percent in 2018.
Number of grad students facilitating remote courses.
1 in 4
Number who are first-generation college students.