On Oct. 6, the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design brought Philadelphians to their feet for an immersive public dance performance inside the Barnes Foundation. The all-day spectacle explored the tension between public and private experiences by uniting professional and amateur dancers to perform work by renowned modern dance choreographer Boris Charmatz (pictured here leading a warm up). Charmatz is one of the most important figures in modern dance working today and his company has presented major performances at the Museum of Modern Art and the Tate Modern in London, among others. This second annual Philadelphia Museum of Dance project was organized at the Barnes in partnership with Drexel’s dance program.

Number of dancers who participated, including more than 60 Drexel students.
Duration in hours of the public performances inside the Barnes.
Number of people who came to watch the performances.
Grant from the Pew Center of Arts & Heritage in support of the event.