William R. Abt, BS business administration ’69, endowment manager for Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, was featured in Bloomberg Business Week
about how Carthage’s returns beat Harvard’s $37 billion endowment and most others.
Steven R. Kafrissen, MD medicine ’67, was honored with the Community Wellbeing award by the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.
Maurice E. Snook, BS chemistry ’67, received the 2018 American Chemical Society E. Ann Nalley Southeastern Regional Award for volunteer service at the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Gary A. Krimstock, BS business administration ’70, was a panelist at the annual Pennsylvania and Delaware Valley Chapter of Community Associations Institute State of the Industry breakfast at the Union League in Philadelphia.
Joanne Barone Dragun, BS home economics ’72, MD medicine ’88, published “Listening to Cancer: Witnessing Power, Spirit and Courage.”
John J. Peirce, BS civil engineering ’73, MS civil engineering ’78, founder and principal of Peirce Engineering, was elected as the 2019 Delaware Valley Engineer of the Year.
Roseann Termini, BS human behavior and development ’75, published a new print 2019 edition of “Federal Regulation of Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, Foods, Dietary Supplements, Personal Care, Veterinary and Tobacco Products.” In December 2018, she served as the moderator and keynote speaker at the 72nd Annual Conference Society of Cosmetic Chemists.
Jack Goldstein, MD medicine ’77, associate professor of medicine at Cooper Medical School, director of the Cooper Digestive Health Institute-Endoscopy Center at Willingboro, New Jersey, was the recipient of the 2018 SCOPY award for Best Call-to-Action and Best Initiative to Address Health Care Disparities.
P. David Shafer III, MS environmental engineering ’79, was appointed program coordinator for the new environmental safety management major at Thiel College.
Michael Hopkins, BS electrical engineering ’80, was the firstplace winner of Wisconsin People & Ideas annual statewide writing contest for his short story “Static.”
Francis M. Chmielewski, BS business administration ’81, won a Juror’s Selection Award in the New York Center for Photographic Arts competition.
Lisa Freundlich Guss, MS communications ’86, launched her first book, “The Essential Admissions Handbook” — a step-by-step approach to successfully navigating the complex world of admissions.
John M. Prater, MD medicine ’86, family physician for Geisinger Heath Care System, was honored for being ranked in the top 10 percent in patient experience nationally at the health system’s Top Patient Experience Clinicians Awards Dinner.
Kathi DiClemente Eichman, MS Group Process and Group Psychology ’89, was promoted to vice president, Quality, Safety and Compliance, at New Vitae Wellness and Recovery.
Gerald Patrick Oetzel, MBA business administration ’89, was named CFO at Wisconsin-based Gundersen Health System.
Kevin M. Blake, BS commerce and engineering ’90, started a new law firm, Smith Mirabella Blake.
Erin O’Brien, BS fashion design ’92, and Stella Nolasco, BS fashion design ’92, collaborated on a photoshoot with actor John Leguizamo for the Smithsonian Magazine Ingenuity Awards.
Gina Furia Rubel, BS corporate communications ’91, was appointed to chair of the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Law Firm Risk Management Committee by Rochelle M. Fedullo, 2019 chancellor.
Kenneth R. Fulmer, BS architectural/civil engineering ’92, MS engineering management ’00, was given the Corporate Leadership Award by the Global Philadelphia Association at its fourth Annual Luncheon and Globy Awards ceremony.
Glenn W. Muschert, BS international area studies ’92, started a new position as professor of sociology at Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Nancy Cathers Demme, MS library and information science ’93, had her debut crossover young adult novel, “The Ride” published by the Stephen F. Austin State University Press in February of 2019.
Nicole Cashman, BS design and merchandising ’94, president and CEO of Cashman & Associates, received the Women-Owned Business Award from PHL Diversity and the “The Police Athletic League 2019 Award” from the Police Athletic League of Philadelphia.
Chipo Mafarachisi Jolibois, BS chemical engineering ’94, was hired as an associate in the Intellectual Property Department at Fox Rothschild LLP.
Richard C. Liu, BS corporate communications ’94, was named vice chair of the Performing Arts Board for ArtsQuest.
David J. Glass, PhD law-psychology ’98, published his first book, “Moving On: Redesigning Your Emotional, Financial & Social Life After Divorce,” with Lioncrest Publishing.
Samantha Pozner, MD medicine ’97, started her term as president of medical staff at Overlook Medical Center in Summit, New Jersey. She is the first woman and the fourth family physician to serve as medical staff president in the hospital’s 113-year history.
Dmitriy Kublanov, BS computer science ’97, MS ’00, started a new position as vice president of pricing, contracting and analytics at TGaS Advisors.
Gerard Michael Donovan, BS computer engineering ’05, JD law ’09, was promoted from counsel to partner at Reed Smith LLP in the firm’s Washington, D.C., office.
Patrick S. Griffin, BS computer engineering ’06, was promoted from associate to counsel at Cantor Colburn, one of the largest intellectual property law firms in the United States.
Olivia Johnson Hinebaugh, BS media arts and design ’07, published a young adult novel, “The Birds, The Bees, And You And Me.”
Kathryn E. Bowser, BS biological sciences ’08, MD medicine ’11, vascular surgeon, has joined Christiana Care Health System’s Center for Heart and Vascular Health in Delaware.
John F. Lamb, MS library and information science ’08, was promoted to associate professor of library science with tenure. In December 2018, he received an MFA in creative and literary arts from the University of Alaska Anchorage. His thesis, “What Turtle Blood Tastes Like: Poems,” received a 2018 Jason Wenger Memorial Award for Literary Excellence.
Elizabeth Gee, BS music industry ’09, joined the law firm Tanenbaum Keale LLP as an associate in its Malvern, Pennsylvania, office.
R. Sarah Solomon, BS graphic design ’11, published her new book, “Guac Is Extra But So Am I: The Reluctant Adult’s Handbook.”
Eleanor F. Small, PhD chemical engineering ’12, principal scientist at Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc., was named 2019 Delaware Valley Young Engineer of the Year.
Kate A. Beishline, PhD biochemistry ’14, was named a Jessica S. and Stephen R. Kozloff Faculty Fellow at Bloomsburg University.
Robert Douglas Koch, MS higher education ’14, joined WFAE as director of development.
Alexander Martin Zygmunt, MD medicine ’16, was named to the 10-member Residents and Fellow Board of the Journal of Child Neurology. He is in the third year of his residency in child neurology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.
Baby Dragons

Virginia Chase Ralls, JD law ’16, and her husband, James Ralls, welcomed their son, Vincent James Ralls, on Sept. 22, 2018.

Jamie Duncan Buttler, BS psychology ’09, and Kevyn Buttler, BS sports management ’09, welcomed their first son, Finn Sebastian, on July 7, 2018.

Kevin Glover, BS mechanical engineering ’10, and Samantha Sukonick, BS architectural engineering ’13, welcomed their first child, Holden Francis Glover, on Sept. 7, 2018.

Patrick Griffin, BS computer engineering ’06, his wife, Arpeeneh, and son, Alexander, welcomed a baby boy, Stephen Ararat, on Nov. 11, 2018.

Trevor Krause, BS information technology ’09, and Katelyn Krause, BS nursing ’10, welcomed a baby boy, Logan Reese, on Sept. 3, 2018

Amanda Martahus Miller, BS design & merchandising ’11, and her husband, William Miller, welcomed their daughter, Madelyn Gabrielle Miller, on Oct. 11, 2017

Zachary Andrew Riley, BS architectural engineering ’08, and Emily L. Messner Riley, BS chemistry ’08, welcomed their daughter, Eleanor Emma Riley, on Dec. 27, 2018.

Joy Godowski Zappacosta, BS digital media ’08, and Jason Zappacosta, biomedical engineering ’09, were married on Sept. 29, 2018.
Snapped Dragons

John Fehlauer, BS/MS electrical engineering ’73, PhD ’77; Bradley Garris, chemical engineering ’74; Larry Rarig, mechanical engineering ’73; Thomas Kahler, civil engineering ’74; Robert Karr, chemical engineering ’73; Gordon Gaugler, commerce and engineering ’74; and James Heintz, electrical engineering ’73 reunited for their annual gathering and celebrated their life-long friendships that started 50 years ago in Drexel University’s Kelly Hall.