The rain couldn’t dampen the fun at Alumni Weekend on May 17 to 19! Dragons descended on campus and throughout Philadelphia for events like the Young Alumni Beer Hall, the College of Medicine Celebration at the Franklin Institute, Drexel Fest at the Zoo and Drexel After Dark. This year also featured great new events including the sold-out Bourbon and Whiskey Tasting and the Golden Dragon Society Dinner at the Ritz-Carlton. Save the date for next year: May 16 to 18, 2019!

The dance floor wasn’t big enough to hold Drexel After Dark attendees at the 23rd Street Armory. Dragons celebrated with Stephen Starr food, drinks and live music!

More than 500 recent graduates and members of the Class of 2018 flocked to the Young Alumni Beer Hall for games, music, appetizers and craft brews.

Sanjay Goel, MD ’93 MCP, 2018 recipient of the Medical College of Pennsylvania Distinguished Alumnus Award, poses with his mother and wife at the College of Medicine Award Brunch.
Steve Kravitz, BS ’68, MBA ’75, and his wife Ann Snyder Kravitz, BS ’69, pause for a photo with Mario at the Golden Dragon Society Luncheon. The Drexel Class of 1968 celebrated its 50-year reunion on Friday with a welcome breakfast, a class photo, the luncheon, campus tours and dinner at the Ritz-Carlton.
Check out Drexel’s newest alumni in a photo gallery from the 2018 commencement at