Always looking for new ways to be at the forefront of educational innovation, Drexel University Online (DUO) has launched, a website showcasing videos of some of the brightest ideas and best practices in the world of online and blended education.
“The website serves as a repository for knowledge-sharing; a place where educators facing the unique opportunities and challenges of the digital age can come for inspiration,” says Susan Aldridge, president of DUO.
The site will be updated weekly with virtual success stories from around the world, using the latest technologies — from virtual reality, robotics and holography, to real-time videoconferencing, gamification and wearables.
For example, online students at Drexel’s College of Nursing and Health Professions perform exams on a virtual, interactive patient known as Tina the Avatar. In Australia, ReefHQ Aquarium allows students from anywhere in the world to experience the Great Barrier Reef — thanks to scuba divers and videoconferencing equipment. At Case Western Reserve University, students explore anatomy through the Microsoft HoloLens. Each video is accompanied by a case study of how the technology is being used.