Dylan Steinberg

Age: 28

BS Studies in Media Arts and Design ’09

Founder, CEO and creative director, Dream Machine Creative

My Greatest Accomplishment

Establishing and expanding Dream Machine Creative, a New York City-based video production company, with my amazing team. And we’re just getting started!

How Drexel Helped

Drexel has had such an important influence on my work and who I am as a creative professional. The University ensured that the courses in media arts and design were innovative and challenging and part of a well-rounded curriculum, which enabled me to become a versatile director, artist and businessman, as well as a good-hearted human being. Drexel provided me with a strong work ethic and commitment to success; I learned how to stay focused on projects inside and outside of the classroom. My professors displayed dedication to their own creative projects, serving as wonderful role models. Through their examples, they taught me how to balance work and life. The professors and dean of Westphal College of Media Arts & Design were incredibly supportive and made sure to challenge me in all of my endeavors. Importantly too, my professors and classmates consistently provided encouragement and support, and I’m fortunate to employ fellow classmates and work with professors regularly as my company grows. We’re also very proud to offer co-op positions exclusively to Drexel students. They are truly the best available and have been extremely instrumental to our growth and success since we opened our studio in 2012.

Where I’ll Be In Five Years

CEO and creative director of Dream Machine Creative; restaurant owner/operator, homeowner, husband of one beautiful woman, and father of at least one wonderful baby.