Hitting the Slopes Together for 30 Years

For more than three decades, 1984 alumni Andrew (Bart) Bastian, Dennis Keating, Kevin Michaelis and Joe Clabbers have taken a break from their busy lives to make an annual ski trip together to Utah. It’s a tradition that keeps strong the bonds they first forged as freshmen in 1979.
“We call it our Groundhog Day trip,” says Keating. “We have it down to a science. It’s a comfortable feeling.”
Despite work, family and busy schedules, the foursome hasn’t missed a trip in 31 years — with the exception of two years when Joe was unable to make it. And as Dennis points out, there’s no end in sight.
“It’s just become part of our lives,” he says.
In recent years, they each began bringing along their sons, a new twist to the tradition that Keating hopes to see continue into the future.
“We’ve been integrating the kids into the trip and they haven’t missed a beat,” he says. “They keep us going!”
Share Your Story
If you’ve recently gotten married, had a “baby Dragon” or if you keep any special traditions with your fellow Dragons, Drexel wants to hear from you. We’re looking for stories about Dragons who gather on a regular basis, take fun trips together, or who have a tradition that’s been maintained year after year.
Send us a high-resolution photo and tell us about it at [email protected].