

Congratulations to the class of 2015!


The corner of 34th and Lancaster Avenue, looking beautiful during the sunset after a June rainstorm, captured by EarthCam. You can see all of the progress made on The Summit, Drexel’s newest student housing in collaboration with American Campus Communities.


@BillieJeanKing: June 13
So proud to be part of @DrexelUniv commencement Friday and honored to receive an honorary degree from them.

@ashleyhjohnson: June 15
Dear @DrexelUniv & @DrexelCNHP Thank you for everything. – Ash. #ProudAlumni

@smithsonianMag: July 1
@DrexelUniv engineers are developing micro-swimmers that clear clogged arteries. smithmag.co/n29pBj

@PHLBizJournal: July 22
2 apps available for purchase on the iOS App store & the @GoogleStore owe their existence to a @DrexelUniv grad

@PeaceTechLab: July 27
Our new partnership with @DrexelEngr prepares upcoming humanitarian engineers #PeaceTech @DrexelUniv

@coleyypalm: September 3
1 week until move in couldn’t be more excited #Drexel

@sandyhook: September 3
@DrexelUniv has become the first U.S. college to deploy a “mental health kiosk.” #ACheckUpFromTheNeckUp

@GaybriellB: September 8
Shout out to Drexel. Great Students who volunteer time to help clean their block!
@DrexelDornsife @DrexelUniv


Summertime - Instagram

Thank goodness for those few days in July where the rain held up and the heat wasn’t stifling, making for a pleasant, picturesque walk across campus.

Dragon makeover

Mario gets a makeover in preparation for the June commencement events. #DragonManiPedi

Crazy Sky

This outstanding photo of the red June sky lit up social media everywhere after it was posted by the College of Arts and Sciences.